05 May 2014

Museums in the Digital Age and Museums and the Development of Active Citizenship

The Network of European Museum Organization (NEMO) recently published the full report from its Annual Conference held in Bucharest, Romania, last year.

The publication, which is freely downloadable from NEMO's website, tackles the issues related to the increasing demand for museums to act as social agents. 

The conference tackle the issue from an interesting perspective, taking into account the risks of a disgregating European social cohesion following the years of the financial crisis.

Below, the full press releas from NEMO

In times of an ever-changing society, museums face a shift of values. This development - an increased demand for museums to act as social agents encouraging social cohesion while also contributing to a growing economy - has become even more pertinent as Europe endures a financial crisis that impacts the entire functioning of its social system.

NEMO tackles these and various other issues within this publication that examines key questions museums in Europe face on a daily basis. With articles from museum  professionals and experts from all over Europe, NEMO's 2013 Annual Conference Documentation offers a unique insight into three overarching themes: 'Museums in the Digital Age', 'Museums and the Development of Active Citizenship' and 'The Future of the EU Cultural Strategy'.

Through these three components, the 2013 Conference and this publication are helping to foster important dialogue and initiate discussion on issues vital to museums today, museums that are working for a constantly changing European society.

Stefano Sbarbati





  • PIN - Università di Firenze
  • Salzburg Research
  • Universidade de Coimbra
  • Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara
  • MFG Baden-Württemberg

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This project is funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.