04 August 2013

Egarec Interview: Víctor Monzó, Mario Monzó, Xavier Miranda


Submission: “Joan Duch i les xemeneies” - www.youtube.com/watch

Authors: Mario Monzó, Victor Monzó and Xavi Miranda (NATALIA COLORS)

Prize: Flying in a hot air balloon  and free admission to mNACTEC


In a nutshell, what is your video about?

Our video is based on a true story. Born in 1891 in Terrassa, Joan Duch was a painter, journalist, writer and designer. Duch, an active member of several cultural and political institutions, mainly tackled social issues and reflected the contradictions of industrial society, focusing in the working class and its social conflicts. 

How did you find out about Egarec video contest?

We read an article at Diari de Terrassa.

What did motivate you to participate?

Natalia Colors is an independent, amateur, not-for-profit film studio launched by the three of us: Víctor, Mario and Xavier. Creating videos is our passion and we do it just for fun!

Did you know the museum before Egarec?

Yes, we are from Terrassa.








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