25 April 2013

Cultural Cooperation in Jankov Most (Iancaid) and Mihajlovo (Szentmihaly)

On a beautiful plain area of Serbian part of Banat region, there are two interesting villages, separated by the Bega River, same river that is representative for the main city of Romanian part of Banat, Timisoara.

The first village is Jankov Most and, because there are almost 80% Romanians, the other name is Iancaid, where we visited one of the most interested families in preservation of traditional culture, fam. Besu Ion and Floare. After an initial discussion we agreed to enlarge the area of research in the first week of September (6-8 September) when are the days of representative cultural events.

The second village is Mihajlovo, where the population is 100% Hungarian and they call the village Szentmihaly. We discussed with the main responsible for cultural activities, Flaman Istvan and we agreed to participate at the main cultural event in September, 29, when a lot of cultural groups will performed.




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