04 December 2012

Augmented reality app turns your smartphone into a tour guide around Terrassa


Picture for Showcases News Catalonia

With the purpose of stimulating the Terrassa Industrial Heritage promotion through innovative creative and technological solutions, the Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC) is developing a self-guided walking tour mobile app. This initiative, held under the framework of the CreativeCH, engages Torre del Palau High School students in the conceptualization and design of the application.  

The mobile app focuses on touring the city’s major sites, as well as some hidden gems: Vapor Aymerich, Amat i Jover, Mercat de la Independència, Confiteria Vídua Carné, Ajuntament de Terrassa, Antic Institut Industrial, Societat General d’Electricitat, Torre del Castell Palau de Terrassa, Casa Alegre de Sagrera, Gran Casino del Foment de Terrassa, Cases de Cal Maurí, Magatzem Pascual Sala, Teatre Principal, Magatzem Joaquim Alegre and Masia Freixa. 

The resulting app will be available in Catalan, Spanish and English and will be launched in the upcoming months. 





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