29 January 2013

Technological devices for the area of Carmignano

Planning the Application

There are many itineraries in this area, from the Archaeological Museum of Artimino to the tumulo of Montefortini, the necropolis of Prato Roselle, the graves of Boschetti and the settlement of Pietramarina. The area of Carmignano is rich in archaeological and naturalistic pathways, where people can enjoy culture, nature and traditions all at the same time.

In this context our team will support the development and dissemination of the area with technological devices. To achieve this goal, a smartphone app is being developed and will be presented at the beginning of the summer of 2013. The app will allow people to discover the area from many different standpoints: the archaeological and naturalistic, the local food and lodgings. The aim is to culturally and economically promote an area of great natural beauty but with a low affluence of tourists.

More info:  www.parcoarcheologicocarmignano.it/en/




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