11 July 2014

mNACTEC launches the book "Recovered spaces, new uses of industrial heritage in Catalonia"

On Tuesday 8th July, mNACTEC launched the book Espais recobrats, els nous usos del patrimoni industrial català (Recovered spaces, new uses of industrial heritage in Catalonia), with the participation of the Minister of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Ferran Mascarell, the Director of mNACTEC, Jaume Perarnau, and the authors, Ferran Pont (architect) and Teresa Llordés (photographer).

Espais recobrats, els nous usos del patrimoni industrial català reveals a double meaning. First, it collects, studies and evaluates the work that Catalonia, an international benchmark in the field, has carried out for the preservation, dissemination and rehabilitation of buildings and most prominent elements of its industrial heritage. Secondly, among other events, the magnificent edition contributes to the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia.

The book is the first to collect and contextualize the new uses given to the Catalan industrial heritage across the country. Espais recobrats, els nous usos del patrimoni industrial català begins with an assessment of industrial heritage, from the first concerns for heritage, through the restructuring and rehabilitation works in 1980-1992, the nineties and the boom in early twenty-first century up to the current crisis. Finally, the book proposes future challenges. The second part, with an outstanding photographic contribution, collects the most interesting and remarkable heritage interventions. 




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