01 May 2013

mNACTEC launches EGAREC, a video contest

Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC) is launching EGAREC, a local video competition to produce videos on the most important touristic attrations of Terrassa. The videos should highlight - in an engaging manner - any aspect of:

  1. mNACTEC
  2. Fira Modernista 2013
  3. Industrial heritage of Terrassa 

Participants have a chance to create a short video (1 minute max.) captured with any device (smartphone, tablet, camera...) about these places of touristic interest and win attractive prizes:

  1. First award: Flying in a hot air balloon 
  2. Second award: Flying in a wind tunnel 
  3. Special award (for schools): a school visit to mNACTEC
  4. Audience award: Gopro Hero3 camera

The competition is open to participants of all ages in two categories: A (under 18) and B (adults). The videos must be posted to YouTube/Vimeo and to EGAREC's contest on facebook.

The last date for submitting entries is 31st May 2013. Detailed entry guidelines and other details can be found at: www.egarec.cat




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57 to 63 from 78 entries

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