07 March 2014

Development of second showcase application

After the first showcase application “Americans in Salzburg 1945-1955 Tour”, since June  2013 we are working on the second, a web and mobile application specifically for young people. 

On March 6th the largest workshop (“creaton”) took place and brought together: five students of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences - MultiMediaArt programme, three young programmers of the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg (Upper Austria). Furthermore representatives of the City of Salzburg (open content) and MuseumSalzburg (education). 

The workshop was prepared by our team together with the managing director of FS1 - Community TV. The students presented their concepts of the showcase application. The concepts were examinded, discussed, kicked up a notch and enriched. Now it is again up to the students to drive their project further.




Latest Showcases News

17 March 2013

Banat showcase team at the Tocma Cornilor (wedding bargain) festival preparation

Preparations for the Nunta Cornilor (Fool's Wedding) festival

07 March 2013

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05 March 2013

CreativeCH at the Mobile World Congress 2013

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04 March 2013

Torre de Palau High School students visit the Mobile World Centre

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28 February 2013

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26 February 2013

Treasure hunting at mNACTEC!

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19 February 2013

Blurring the line between reality and fiction

Did you ever dream you could fly? Would you like to be a giant or Lilliputian for one day? What...

57 to 63 from 78 entries

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