01 August 2013

Salzburg Showcase Adds New Partner

Picture for Showcases News Salzburg

In the showcase students from the university's MultiMediaArt programme will develop a concept and prototype for valorising cultural heritage in Salzburg utilising ICT. An initial meeting has already taken place on 12 June 2013 at the FH Salzburg, and another preparation meeting is scheduled for late August 2013.

The University of Applied Sciences Salzburg (Fachhochschule (FH) Salzburg) offers bachelor, master as well as post-gradute courses in the fields of engineering, social & economic sciences, design, media & arts as well as health. It has premises in Puch Urstein and in Kuchl.




Latest Showcases News

18 October 2013

Salzburg Showcase: Students' Project Initiated

Five students are developing a web-based platform on cultural heritage in Salzburg

16 October 2013


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10 October 2013

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30 September 2013

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17 September 2013

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15 September 2013

Salzburg showcase adds local partners

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05 September 2013

Salzburg Showcase at the Celtic Museum

The Salzburg Showcase team discussed possible joint activities with the the Celtic Museum in Hallein

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