06 May 2013

How do visitors perceive Salzburg?

Guided tour through Salzburg

Picture for Showcases News Salzburg

On 15 March 2013, the CreativeCH team in Salzburg conducted a second survey on the perceptions of young people towards cultural heritage. The survey is the main outcome of a workshop that was conducted along with a guided tour through Salzburg.

While in the previous survey the focus was on the local population, the new survey particularly addressed visitors to Salzburg. 33 American students of the Salzburg Programme of the University of Portland participated in the survey. All except two students were either 18 or 19 years old, and 24 out of the 33 students were female. In terms of educational background, the majority of participants either studied languages or another social sciences and humanities subject; about a third had a natural sciences background.

The main objective of the survey was to learn more about visitor’s initial expectations of cultural heritage in Salzburg and how these views have changed after having lived here for nearly a year.

Summary of survey results




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