07 March 2013

Torre del Palau High School analyzes the use of ICT in education

Jordi Vivancos, Head of Department of Education of the Catalan Government, has given this Tuesday evening a conference on the future of ICT in education. This event, which has been followed on Twitter, kicks off the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Torre del Palau High Shool.

For 10 years now, Torre del Palau has embedded the use of ICT in its daily work, from the regular use of computers in the classroom to innovative projects such as Creative CH, and has become a model for other high schools in the use of ICT. Currently, the center is also active on social networks, publishes a magazine and, since 2004, its website has had over 10 million visits.

The quarter-century commemoration of Torre del Palau will also include an exhibition, a book, lectures and concerts, among other activities.




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Torre del Palau High School analyzes the use of ICT in education

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57 to 63 from 78 entries

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