15 July 2013

Students give feedback



mNACTEC takes evaluation very seriously and, for this reason, is very flattered by comments Torre del Palau students have made about the El Fotocroma, part of the catalan showcase, an other relevant ICT features at mNACTEC:

Eva“This showcase wants to bring the culture closer to the young generation. An iPad kiosk is available for help that the visitors, to take photos, and download and share the results with friends on social networks. I think that this is amazing and awesome! Is a great honor that our institute is within this project. It want that we will use ICT to recognize and value our industrial heritage. It is great that visitors can make creative pictures thanks to this innovation”. 

Alba“This showcase is an excellent idea because when the teenagers use the technology they are motivated more. Another good idea is the Fotocroma because with this,the people can take fun photos to amuse itself. And finally, I think that this showcase is amazing and it will be very popular”.

Josep“This article tells us is to involve teens in the city from the technology, a great idea. Currently the technology is an important part of a teenager, why not motivate them with this? We use our phones, tablets, computers ... to learn more about our city in a fun way. For this reason, the museum has built a Chroma and QR codes around the museum. I think it's a great idea that could be interesting”.

Queralt: “Nowadays, the young generation are boring to go to showcase and to be listen for an hour a person talking. This project is thinked to attract young people using the news tecnologies like ipads, smartphones with QR codes and interactives activities to do this more fun. Besides the museum has a Photocroma that the visitors use a lot. I think that it's an innovation to have in mind for futur projects”.

Paula: “This showcase want that the young generation has more social culture, and to do that, this project use the technology to make it more fun. It uses thinks like Ipad's or a chroma key, and do things like a treasure hunting with smartphones and QR codes. I think that's a good idea for young people, to learn new things and become more interested in the things of the city and the history of it”.

Jordi: “The objective of the showcase is to get teenagers involved in the cultural heritage of our city. And which is the best way to bring it? Using technology. For this reason, the mNACTEC is using different technologies, like a chroma-key or a treasure hunting using QR codes, to attract young people. I think that's a very interesting way to try to solve the problem, and it's even better considering that the school is involved in the project”.

Noelia“This showcase want that the new generations and the young of today are attracted by the culture. This project uses the technology so that more interesting and fun. I think that all these things for enhancing the culture of the young are real good projects and make people take more interest in the culture of their country”.






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