10 October 2013

Egarec awards ceremony held yesterday

The awards ceremony of Egarec video contest was held yesterday at mNACTEC. The event honored the interesting contributions of young participants in connection to Terrassa and its heritage. In an opening address, Jaume Perarnau (Director of mNACTEC) highlighted the aim of Egarec and the need to explore new ways of looking at the city and its heritage.

Jaume Perarnau presented the Audience Award to Bet Verdaguer and Jaume Argemí“El patrimoni, el modernisme i el mNACTEC des dels ulls d’un infant”, inspired by the drawing of a little child, was the most voted submission on the Facebook contest platform.

Alba Guerrero and Sandra Edo, received the second prize (Category B) for “El transport”. Eusebi Casanelles, former Director of mNACTEC, presented the award and complimented their submission.

Domènech Ferran, Director of Museu de Terrassa and Egarec Jury member, took the floor and presented the second award (Category A) to Joan Cano and Rosa López for “XI Fira Modernista”. They expressed their gratitude and took the opportunity to present Audiv Produccions, their brand-new film studio. 

Next Jordi Garreta, Head of Economic Promotion and Innovation Department of Terrassa City Council and Egarec Jury member, presented the first award (Category A) to Mario Monzó, Victor Monzó and Xavi Miranda for “Joan Duch i les xemeneies”. The award winners underlined that Natalia Colors is an independent, amateur, not-for-profit film studio launched by the three of them. “Creating videos is our passion and we do it just for fun!”, they said. 

In his closing address, Pere Arcas, Head of the Educational programmes Department at Televisió de Catalunya and Egarec Jury member, emphasized that audiovisual language is as important as other types of language and, therefore, requires an apprenticeship: “How do we acquire media literacy? How do we develop young people's critical and creative abilities when it comes to the media? Just watching is not enough: it is essential to learn by experimenting, experiencing, living”. 

Shortly after the award ceremony, attendees toasted the winners in a cocktail reception in the museum terrace.  

EGAREC, a local competition to produce videos on the most important touristic attractions of Terrassa, was launched last spring in the context of Fira Modernista. The videos should highlight - in an engaging manner - any aspect of mNACTEC, Fira Modernista 2013 and the Industrial heritage of Terrassa. Participants had a chance to create a short video (1 minute max.) captured with any device (smartphone, tablet, camera...) about these places of touristic interest and win attractive prizes. 




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